Sir Paul McCartney is a god, and just about every aspect of his life has been dissected and written about a million times over. However, did you know that he likes to make Bagel Sandwiches?
Paul McCartney and his two daughters, Mary and Stella, were being interviewed by Romesh Ranganathan and discussed the secret to making the perfect bagel, also known as the McCartney sandwich.
However, we immediately wondered if a bagel can be placed into the sandwich category.
Is a Bagel Sandwich considered an Actual Sandwich?
According to the Food And Wine website, "A buttered bagel is a sandwich because it requires someone to slice it and spread an ingredient in the center. (It's) a food that consists of two pieces of bread with a filling in between them. If the bread isn't sliced or spreads are on the side then it is not a sandwich." 1
Therefore, by their definition, the McCartney Bagel Sandwich is considered a real sandwich.
It's a fascinating interview, and you can see it below through a link to Paul McCartney's Youtube Channel.